QLVR HIRING - ENTERPRISE: Executive Placement or Fuller Integration


QLVR HIRING - ENTERPRISE enriches the hiring process with better information to make better decisions that extend far beyond the offer letter.

Discover how it is possible to have a 10x better experience that is 10x faster AND provides 10x deeper insight into applicants with just 10% of the effort.

It is for organizations that are not constrained by HR departments focused more on compliance than making the employee experience a competitive advantage.

It provides tools that go well beyond the three core hiring reports…

  1. Archetype Maps: Gain the ability to quickly describe the professional personality of a person or position based on 9 profiles that are easy to understand and associate with common behaviors. Compatibility maps immediately identify general similarities and differences.

  2. Core Characteristic Continuums: Discover how a person or position is most inclined to consistently think, feel or act a certain way across 30 foundational domains. Overlaying these inclinations reveals potential aligned or conflicting intent.

  3. Dominant Professional Traits: Have the ability to clearly communicate, compare and investigate the unique capabilities that are necessary for success. Easily see patterns or gaps.

Let's Chat About What You Need

QLVR HIRING - ENTERPRISE enriches the hiring process with better information to make better decisions that extend far beyond the offer letter.

Discover how it is possible to have a 10x better experience that is 10x faster AND provides 10x deeper insight into applicants with just 10% of the effort.

It is for organizations that are not constrained by HR departments focused more on compliance than making the employee experience a competitive advantage.

It provides tools that go well beyond the three core hiring reports…

  1. Archetype Maps: Gain the ability to quickly describe the professional personality of a person or position based on 9 profiles that are easy to understand and associate with common behaviors. Compatibility maps immediately identify general similarities and differences.

  2. Core Characteristic Continuums: Discover how a person or position is most inclined to consistently think, feel or act a certain way across 30 foundational domains. Overlaying these inclinations reveals potential aligned or conflicting intent.

  3. Dominant Professional Traits: Have the ability to clearly communicate, compare and investigate the unique capabilities that are necessary for success. Easily see patterns or gaps.

QLVR HIRING - ENTERPRISE enriches the hiring process with better information to make better decisions that extend far beyond the offer letter.

Discover how it is possible to have a 10x better experience that is 10x faster AND provides 10x deeper insight into applicants with just 10% of the effort.

It is for organizations that are not constrained by HR departments focused more on compliance than making the employee experience a competitive advantage.

It provides tools that go well beyond the three core hiring reports…

  1. Archetype Maps: Gain the ability to quickly describe the professional personality of a person or position based on 9 profiles that are easy to understand and associate with common behaviors. Compatibility maps immediately identify general similarities and differences.

  2. Core Characteristic Continuums: Discover how a person or position is most inclined to consistently think, feel or act a certain way across 30 foundational domains. Overlaying these inclinations reveals potential aligned or conflicting intent.

  3. Dominant Professional Traits: Have the ability to clearly communicate, compare and investigate the unique capabilities that are necessary for success. Easily see patterns or gaps.

These additional tools are intended for high-risk high-reward executive placement or broader integration across an organization.

QLVR is a set of integrated tools to improve self-awareness, accelerate professional connection and help realize the potential of individuals through the high performance of teams.

Staff get profiled and paired based on how well they align to the dominant archetypes, core characteristics and traits required to be successful while making it easier to avoid or diagnose the misfits.

It provides clear labels and language to use from recruitment to retirement to describe HOW work needs to get work done, not just WHAT work needs to get done.

It recognizes that teams with higher compatibility tend to gain higher competence. It values the ability to navigate conflict as the key to experiencing the 1 +1 = 3 outcomes that are only possible by bringing together people with different skills, different experiences and different approaches.

Make Your Hiring More Clever


Too many companies place too much emphasis on screening for certain hard skills or technical competence in roles where those skills can be trained or will be immediately retained to align with the organization's standards.

QLVR provides a critical complementary perspective by predicting the personal compatibility needed to be successful in the role, with coworkers, managers, and the culture.

QLVR is focused on understanding HOW work needs to get done, not WHAT work needs to get done.

QLVR does so much more than just profile positions and applicants to predict their compatibility. It can:

  • Conduct intelligent reference checks that are actually useful.
  • Produce personalized and more relevant interview questions.
  • Prepare better onboarding materials to accelerate how new staff integrate into existing teams.

Reach out to discuss the many ways to incorporate QLVR's better understanding of professional compatibility in a manner that transforms individual potential into team performance.


Details about "How It Works" go here. Expand with more content as needed.


Details about "What You Get" go here. Expand with more content as needed.