Are you spending too much time

learning too little

about too few candidates?

QLVR is a blindspot detector that provides a unified hiring experience while removing the most common barriers to effective hiring: Limited time, information & attention.

It demystifies the particular professional profile needed to be a successful executive...where having the right style (the approach to getting the task done) is equally important as having right skills (the ability to perform a task) .

Uninformed executive placement has a VERY high cost

the economics of executives

Rockstar executives are worth millions to a company…

Mis-Hires & Mis-Fires can often cost even more

QLVR is built on the belief that an individual’s potential for future success is enabled more by their professional personality (or work style) than by past skills they have acquired (work experience). 

Any personality can be a rockstar when put in the right environment but the most experienced, technically-proficient individual will fail when forced into a misfit culture.

When fully integrated, QLVR removes almost all assumptions, allowing recruitment to focus on verification, not speculation.

QLVR replaces assumptions with evidence

The system uses comprehensive profiling & computational pairing to predict the precise fit between a person and a position.

QLVR can be as simple or sophisticated as you want.


What if focusing on pedigree, past experience or technical competence causes critical aspects of personality and cultural fit to be neglected?

The higher the level, the more success depends on pairing the right personality traits.

QLVR learns what matters most based on how the role is expected to interact with coworkers, use information to make decisions, and take action to get tasks done.

Already have a rockstar in a similar role?

Use QLVR to identify the desirable traits needed to be cloned in applicants?


What if you could get better labels and language to more precisely describe not just what the role does, but how it is expected to be done?

A fast-paced environment, strategic thinking, being results-oriented or good communication skills are vague expectations that do not mean anything to anyone.

They are useless for describing or attracting a qualified applicant.

Discover which of 9 different archetypes most define the role

Discover which of 28 building blocks need to guide how the role approaches work.

Get detailed role-specific traits that precisely describe how the role needs to think, feel and act to guide their own behaviors or their interactions with others.


What if different individuals have different expectations of what looks like a good candidate for the role?

Failure is inevitable when the definition of success is different.

Comparison reports make it instantly obvious if the process begins with conflicting search criteria.

Discover any gaps in the desired archetypes


What if every applicant could be thoroughly profiled on identical criteria before any resume is reviewed?

QLVR provides extraordinary insight into who you are looking at by automatically evaluating every applicant for predictive fit & conflicting expectations or constraints.

Applicants complete a personal assessment that mirrors the criteria defining the requirements of the role, producing data that can be perfectly paired to the position profile.

Every applicant’s profile is paired to the position, creating a ranked list of best fit based on overall personality and individual traits.

The report can even cloak applicant identities to avoid premature bias.

QLVR reveals if significant conflicting constraints exist across applicants.

The constraint engine compares over 150 role requirements versus personal expectations to identify and rank each applicant’s major, moderate, and minor issues that could complicate the hiring process.

Avoid investing too much in candidates with expectations the role will never be able to meet.


What if there was a better way to discover hidden potential and predict likely mis-hires or mis-fires?

QLVR provides details on individual personalities and preferences long before the first interview is scheduled.

QLVR quantifies overall predictive fit:

See how well the candidate’s and the position’s personalities match

Instantly see each applicant’s fit with the top traits the role requires


What if applicant personalities and traits could be visualized side-by-side?

QLVR makes it possible to precisely see the similarities and differences across individuals based on identical criteria.

Applicants with similar past experience or evidence of technical competence can express those skills through completely different personalities.

See a side-by-side comparison of personality traits across 5 candidates

 QLVR supplements existing evaluation of technical skills with insight into complementary or contradictory work styles.

It predicts and prevents possible personality conflicts or miscommunication that cause workplace problems.


What if it was easy to prepare a personality-based interview guide customized to confirm each candidate’s individual strengths and investigate areas of potential misfit?

QLVR provides a structure to both ask meaningful questions and objectively score the answers.

No more time is wasted with generic questions that produce generic answers.

Utilize a structured interviewing system that asks better questions and gets better answers

Follow an active listening framework to learn how candidates can get work done in the role, not just what work they’ve done in past roles

Better visualize what needs to be learned about each candidate

Know where to ask questions about specific traits to validate each candidate’s potential for success

Know the exact traits that could be a misfit risk and decide which need to be further investigated

Still trust interview answers more than algorithms?

See the exact statements where the role and the candidate had the strongest opposing preferences.


What if reference checking could actually provide honest, unbiased perspective on how a candidate gets work done?

QLVR prepares a personalized trait-based audit for references to validate each candidate’s top traits without knowing what the “right” answer is.

Well-intended compliments are replaced with well-articulated perspective.

Send a simple self-service assessment form to eliminate puffery or the ability to make false claims

Be prepared with the most relevant questions to confirm a candidate’s expected strengths

Make references comfortable discussing their experience with a candidate based traits the candidate does not have, not as weaknesses they do have


What if it was easy to do a detailed diagnosis comparing specific strengths & weaknesses across multiple candidates?

Recognize the potential trade-offs that come from different personalities

Make informed decisions about the tradeoffs associated with specific traits…or the need for more interviews

“I thought I had found a unicorn

…until I realized it was just a donkey with a party hat.”


What if a finalist could be compared to key coworkers, clients, bosses or subordinates to predict personality fit before an offer is made?

Personalities do not need to be identical, but differences need to be known.

Recognize potential concerns before they become conflicts that cost a lot to fix.

Quickly compare overall personalities between the candidate and any person they will work with

Investigate any opposing traits that could cause undesired friction

Dive deeper into similar traits that should establish common ground


What if the internal tools used to select the best candidate could be easily translated to personalized onboarding documents that tell that candidate why they were hired and how they are expected to approach their new role?

Even rockstars need to be told what makes them a rockstar.

Experience faster integration by helping new executives quickly find fit with the role, coworkers and the culture.

Set expectations related to what archetypes need to be expressed in the role (and any that need to be constrained).

Integrate QLVR organizational optimization results to help individuals understand the company culture and visualize how they fit into the organization

Provide a catalog of coworker profile pairings to make introductions more informed and jumpstart more productive interactions

Discuss the top traits required of the role and specific expectations related to how to interact with others, make decisions, and complete tasks


What if personalized tools could help individuals better express their true potential, diagnose issues and find faster fixes when things get messy?

Use 45 archetype-to-archetype interaction guides to improve coworker communication and collaboration

Help individuals find healthy ways to express their best qualities

Use 45 archetype-to-archetype interaction guides to diagnose and resolve miscommunication and conflict