Finding a job is a
dumpster fire…
A.I. is making it impossible to see applicants as individual people with personalities that possess potential.
We now live in a world where anyone can get A.I. to say anything, recruiters ignore most of it and algorithms screen the rest of it.
Finding the right job is a long and lonely process.
hiring is HARD
2024 study(n=1011)
The frustration and fear associated with searching for a job is only eclipsed by frustration and fear of knowing you’re in the wrong job.
In a flawed attempt to get noticed, people do everything they can to look just like everyone else…filling their resume with keyword cliches and generic jargon.
you didn’t play Buzzword Bingo and were among the 9% of job seekers who are actually great at demonstrating their unique personality?
QLVR finds the magic in your personality and quantifies compatibility with specific positions:
Gain self-confidence by avoiding self-deception from flawed self-awareness
Have better labels and language to communicate your unique approach to getting work done.
Craft better stories about how you work, not just what work you can do.and reveals blind spots
Discover what makes you clever.
Competence qualifies someone to do a job. Compatibility qualifies them for success in a specific role.
Smart companies know it is easier to train new skills than to change core personality traits.
QLVR reveals the unique potential of your personality
Control how recruiters define your fit for a role.
Weave your specific personality traits into more compelling stories that capture your potential.
Get clever about your next career move
Stop thinking keyword cliches will get you noticed.