QLVR DEVELOPMENT - ENTERPRISE: Comprehensive Culture Audit & Monitoring


QLVR DEVELOPMENT - ENTERPRISE provides 10x better insight who makes it 10x faster to create a team of average individuals with great compatibility who can outperform a bunch of brilliant jerks who can't get along.

It goes beyond the archetype and core characteristic reports of PRO.

  • It adds a second dimension to the cultural mapping of the organization…what characteristics do individuals perceive to dominate team dynamics.

  • It can go deeper into defining and comparing the top professional traits of each individual.

  • It can monitor the environment for shifting moods and bad behaviors.

  • It can collect weekly self-perception and peer feedback.

Let's Chat About What You Need

QLVR DEVELOPMENT - ENTERPRISE provides 10x better insight who makes it 10x faster to create a team of average individuals with great compatibility who can outperform a bunch of brilliant jerks who can't get along.

It goes beyond the archetype and core characteristic reports of PRO.

  • It adds a second dimension to the cultural mapping of the organization…what characteristics do individuals perceive to dominate team dynamics.

  • It can go deeper into defining and comparing the top professional traits of each individual.

  • It can monitor the environment for shifting moods and bad behaviors.

  • It can collect weekly self-perception and peer feedback.

QLVR DEVELOPMENT - ENTERPRISE provides 10x better insight who makes it 10x faster to create a team of average individuals with great compatibility who can outperform a bunch of brilliant jerks who can't get along.

It goes beyond the archetype and core characteristic reports of PRO.

  • It adds a second dimension to the cultural mapping of the organization…what characteristics do individuals perceive to dominate team dynamics.

  • It can go deeper into defining and comparing the top professional traits of each individual.

  • It can monitor the environment for shifting moods and bad behaviors.

  • It can collect weekly self-perception and peer feedback.

It provides all the necessary tools to create these teams based on a more complete, more objective understanding of how to turn individual potential into team performance.

QLVR replaces the irrational hope that the next new hire will somehow fix flawed group dynamics.

It helps accelerate professional connection, prevent miscommunication and better diagnose and resolve conflict.

Over time, tools to monitor engagement and evaluate contributions will make annual performance reviews more accurate and more useful.

With QLVR, better compatibility will enable better competence.

Develop a More Clever Organization


Team building is most often derailed by misguided attempts to maximize similarities and avoid or ignore differences.

The best high-performing teams bring together diverse individuals able to communicate and manage through conflict.

They are able to recognize and respect the differences that can combine to produce extraordinary 1+1=3 outcomes.

QLVR provides the tools to help teams stay aligned on HOW work gets done so compatibility becomes a core competence regardless of WHAT work is getting done.

QLVR can be a far more comprehensive platform that provides the path to unify individual potential into team performance.

It can improve the experience of individuals through tools like:

  • 5-minute weekly self-monitor and peer feedback forms that contribute 52 weeks of objective inputs into annual performance reviews.
  • Cultural characteristic mapping, baseline organizational health audits, quarterly health checks, and bad behavior monitors to give leadership more accurate perspectives.

Reach out to discuss the many ways to incorporate QLVR's better understanding of professional compatibility in a manner that transforms individual potential into team performance.


    • A quick, self-administered weekly evaluation capturing individual perceptions of progress and experience.
    • Encourages honesty and self-awareness while generating 52 weeks of data points.
    • Tracks trends to flag patterns before they become issues and contributes to more comprehensive annual reviews.
    • A 5-minute peer evaluation capturing recent reactions to a colleague's performance or contribution.
    • Encourages accountability by generating real-time feedback that contributes to annual reviews.
    • A 10-minute self-assessment establishing foundational perceptions of work experience across 20 KPIs.
    • An in-depth assessment identifying which of 30 core characteristics define the culture and which are present among individuals.
    • Ensures leadership maintains a healthy work environment, preventing dangerous blind spots and fostering productive subcultures.
    • Identifies when good intentions lead to bad habits.
    • Detects which of 30 core characteristics might be strengths but also encourage counterproductive behaviors.


  1. Each individual trains the model on their professional preferences:
    • Requires about 45 minutes to capture insight about their "professional self."
    • Includes interpersonal perceptions, thinking styles, and behavioral inclinations that define how they approach work.
  2. Each individual receives two reports:
    • Easy-to-read results revealing dominance across nine profiles and inclinations across 30 core characteristics.
    • Identifies potential for unique contributions as well as possible blind spots.
  3. Everyone's archetype map is paired to everyone else to predict compatibility:
    • Provides instant insight into key similarities and differences.
    • Accelerates the ability to recognize and respect different approaches to similar situations and goals.
  4. One-to-one trait pairing provides even more precise comparisons:
    • Reveals deeper insights into complementary or contradictory approaches across four dimensions of self-awareness.
  5. Aggregated archetype maps provide a snapshot of the organization:
    • Helps identify the most dominant and most scarce archetypes across teams.
    • Assists individuals in understanding how they fit within or stand out from the organization.
  6. Every individual receives one free month of ongoing customized compatibility coaching:
    • Identifies hundreds of unique expressions, interactions, and applications associated with each specific profile.
    • Delivers 90-second nuggets via email or text to turn self-awareness into better team engagement.