get new hires on the same page with clearer expectations and better integration with coworkers and the culture

QLVR makes it easy for companies communicate information about expectations and culture so new hires know more about why they were hired, who they will be working with and what environment they will be working in.

“I thought I had found a unicorn

…until I realized it was just a donkey with a party hat.”

Uninformed staffing has a VERY high cost

the economics of staffing

Rockstar staff are worth millions to a company…

Mis-Hires & Mis-Fires can often cost even more

QLVR is built on the belief that an individual’s potential for future success is enabled more by their professional personality (or work style) than by past skills they have acquired (work experience). 

Any personality can be a rockstar when put in the right environment but the most experienced, technically-proficient individual will fail when forced into a misfit culture.

 QLVR predicts and prevents possible personality conflicts or miscommunication that cause workplace problems.


What if a new hire could be told how their personality should be applied to the role?

Even rockstars need to be told what makes them a rockstar.

Experience faster integration by helping new staff understand why they were hired and how they are expected to approach their new role?

Set expectations related to what archetypes need to be expressed in the role

(and any that need to be constrained or developed).

Discuss the top traits required of the role and specific expectations related to how to interact with others, make decisions, and complete tasks


What if new hires could have a personalized catalog comparing them to the personalities of key coworkers, clients, bosses or subordinates to predict personality fit before they need to learn to work together?

Personalities do not need to be identical, but differences need to be known.

Recognize potential concerns before they become conflicts that cost a lot to fix.

Coworker profile pairings make introductions more informed and jumpstart more productive interactions


What if new hires could have a better understanding of what the company culture is and how they fit within it?

Help new hires embrace the existing culture and find ways to make their own contributions to an even better future culture.

QLVR organizational optimization results help individuals understand the company culture and visualize how they fit into the organization


What if personalized tools could help individuals better express their true potential, diagnose issues and find faster fixes when things get messy.

QLVR provides the tools to help individuals realize their potential and find faster fixes when things get messy.

Use 45 archetype-to-archetype interaction guides to improve coworker communication and collaboration

Help individuals find healthy ways to express their best qualities

Use 45 archetype-to-archetype interaction guides to diagnose and resolve miscommunication and conflict