Common Questions

  • We are the world’s most comprehensive quantitative professional personality profiler that assesses individuals, organizations and roles on 9 archetypes and almost 400 traits.

    This produces a detailed description of the work styles that define each and determine the emotional intelligence, thinking styles and behavior inclinations utilized by each to get work done.

    Our most powerful tool is our pairing engine, which predicts one-to-one fit between any of these, such as how well an individual’s work style matches a role or how two people have similar or different communication styles.

    Anyone can complete a free assessment to get into our candidate catalog, but paid accounts unlock significantly more value. such as access to personal reports, almost 100 customized guides, and the ability to run profile pairings.

  • Most of us only understand the reality we perceive and are unaware of the various lenses through which we filter information. We assume others are inclined to think, feel and act similar to us…and struggle to diagnose or navigate through interactions when these conflict.

    This tool was designed to provide a more scientific solution to improving our individual self-awareness and recognizing how we are similar or different. By acknowledging the complexity of personality (and not trying to over-simplify them), it provides extraordinary preliminary individuals can use to improve their personal work performance prevent inter-personal conflict.

    Most personality tests provide superficial characterizations and generic descriptions based on common personalities. Almost every description has some vague statement that is easy to identify with, but there is little ability to apply useful insight.

    Many are built computational capabilities from the 1980s, not the algorithms and artificial intelligence that is commonplace in the 2020s.

    Our tool is different in dozens of ways. It has been designed to exclusively focus on one’s professional personality, provide the capability to do one-to-one direction comparisons and provide useful resources to improve interpersonal interactions.

    Read more about the many ways we are different HERE.

  • Getting your profile in the system is a one-time commitment to complete a 20 minute online assessment for the LITE profile (that only does archetyping) or 75 minute assessment to create a complete profile (that includes traiting, constraints & expectations).

    Why so long? Both problems and opportunities are more likely to occur in the unknown. The comprehensive design attempts to minimize blindspots where problems fail to be diagnosed, strengths remain hidden or solutions are overlooked.

  • Your raw identified data is never shared, sold or rented to third parities.

    Your personal settings control who sees your profile or has access to do a pairing, which can include cloaking (letting positions pair with your profile, but require your approval to share your contact info).

    Restricting access that prevents pairing will significantly limit the ongoing value individuals can gain from the system.

  • A LITE assessment only takes 20 minutes to complete, but only produces enough data to do generate an archetype profile. It is typically done by organizations wanting to profile their employees. A LITE assessment limits the functionality of the pairing engine.

    A COMPLETE assessment requires up to 75 minutes to complete and captures significantly more information, including constraints and expectations. This generates almost 10x more data than the LITE version, which enables full utilization of the entire system.

  • Experts engineered our assessment to exclusively focus on an individual’s professional personality. The design provides an extraordinary data structure that generates almost 50,000 signals (data parameters) that interact to create the most accurate possible profiling engine.

    The same source data is applied to our constraint engine (to determine if an individual’s expectations match the requirements of a role) and our pairing engine (to identify similarities and differences between any two people, positions or groups).

  • The assessment is designed to evaluate core elements of emotional intelligence, thinking styles and behavioral inclinations. These are generally stable over time, but can evolve.

    Constraints (income expectations, location, etc.) can be more dynamic.

    Individuals can retake the assessment at any time, but it is currently not possible to update individual elements. This feature is a planned future update.

  • Our system has specifically been designed to force preference between opposing perspectives. At act of indicating preference for X also indicated less preference for Y.

    Archetyping and traiting utilizes over 30,000 parameters so no individual choice defines results.

    Individuals attempting to produce a specific profile will need to accurately and consistently select dozens of statements just right that contribute to those profiles.

    More important, candidates probably cannot predict, and do not control how position profiles are generated…so any attempt to imitate a particular profile requires both remarkable skill at predicting all the statements that contribute to it, and a lot of luck that a desired role actually requires the same profile.

    In the end, attempts to fake a profile will either result in contradictory signals that create poorly defined archetypes and traits or it will increase the odds of getting fit for a position that is ultimately unfulfilling and unsuccessful because it requires different emotional intelligence, thinking styles and behavioral inclinations.

  • QLVR does not answer the question “do you have talent?, but “what talent do you have?”

    Everyone has the unique ability to do hard things, but we often never recognize it because we assume others have the same abilities. QLVR puts labels and language on the things that make each of us special…so we can better express those in our work and with our coworkers.